We create the perfect environment and schedule classes based on the needs of our guests, surrounding the concepts of universal, holistic practices that calm and cleanse the mind, body, and spirit naturally.
After traveling and discovering the many holistic practices of various cultures around the world, Kushi Holistic Learning Center was founded to bring you the power of ancient healing and restorative natural remedies that otherwise might be difficult to embark on one’s own.
Kushi Holistic Learning Center, as a meditation retreat Ireland, integrates universal atmospheres that combine the teachings of all we’ve learned.
Meditation Day
The art of meditation can help us find a calm mind, free of the worries that these obstacles produce such as jealousy, frustration, and doubt.
Celtic Mysteries
Two day course built specifically for tapping into the innate skills of practical Earth magic, rituals, and reflection.
Akashic Record Readings
From the moment a person a born, that person has an Akeshic Record. An Akeshic Record is an energetic archive that exists on a none-physical, astral plane, composed of a person’s entire lifetime of thoughts, events, and emotions.
Reiki Share
We share our knowledge of Reiki, meditate, practice distance healing, as well as give and receive Reiki healing

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